What is CSF?

CSF is a coalition of California school districts and business groups advocating for federal assistance for school construction.

CSF’s Goals
• Advocate for federal school construction funds and ensure California schools receive their fair share of federal school construction dollars.
• Work to ensure that federal regulations help, not hurt, California schools.

Washington, D.C. Representation
• CSF is represented in Washington, D.C. by Bob Canavan of Federal Management Strategies, Inc. with more than 20 years of Washington lobbying experience.

CSF Accomplishments
• Over $1.35 billion in the QSCB program in 2009 and over $1.26 billion in 2010.
• $1.4 billion for the QZAB program in 2009 and 2010, and $400 million in 2011.
• Helped save California school districts more than $10 million per year by actively opposing the Federal
Emergency Management Agency’s proposed regulations to require California’s schools to increase
facility insurance. CSF was part of the successful Coalition which blocked these regulations.
• Successfully supported a $1.2 billion Emergency Repair Funding Program of which California received
$133 million.
• Successfully advocated continuation of E-Rate funding when the federal deficiency legislation would
have delayed or ended E-Rate.

2011-12 Targeted Issues and Advocacy
• QSCB and QZAB Extension and Expansion.
• School Facility Construction as part of the President’s Jobs Bill and other Congressional proposals.
• Renewal of the Federal Renovation and Repair Program
• Continued federal funding for E-Rate Program.
• America’s Better Classroom Act - $25 billion in interest-free school construction bonds via federal tax
credits to investors purchasing the bonds.
• 21st Century High-Performing Public School Facilities Act.

Annual Activities
• Trips to Washington D.C. in the Spring and Fall to meet with the U.S. Department of Education, the California Congressional delegation and key officials to explain the unique needs of California’s schools.
• General Membership meetings and workshops on new Federal school construction issues.
• Mobilize support from California’s school districts that have a stake in potential federal assistance.